Working languages:
Translating requires far more than a fluent command of a language. To ensure a high-quality professional translation, two things are essential: good translation techniques and a thorough knowledge of one's areas of expertise, both of which form a requisite part of every translator’s and interpreter’s training.
Not words, but rather content is translated. This is why in some cases it is more appropriate to use a completely different syntax in the translation than in the original text, or even to use different parts of speech. Another example is the familiar “false friend”, where words in two languages appear to be equivalent, but differ significantly in meaning, leading to incorrect translations. Technical terminology: I learned my specialist subjects from scratch during my training at the SDI München. I meticulously research all technical terms and clarify facts, company-specific terminology or abbreviations with the relevant person in the company in order to find just the right translation for a particular term. Above all, I regularly attend further training courses, currently especially in the areas of law and medicine. Dual control principle: Since four eyes see better than just two, all translations undertaken by me which are intended for publication are proof-read by a second specialist translator. When translating certain types of text (e.g. advertising texts) into English, I follow the recommended guidelines in the profession and collaborate with native-speaking specialist translators. Certified translations: A further quality criterion is certification. In Germany certifications may only be made by persons who possess the appropriate qualification and have been sworn in by a court. I am a certified, accredited and sworn translator for English and German. |